"Church Charter"






·       Mission

Our church existence is to uphold our purpose that is to bring others to the knowledge, and saving power of Jesus Christ, his life and actions

·       Vision

Promoting a healthy church that leads people to the fountain of living water in restoring lives, and building relationships. We will grow to be a true church that other will want to mirror. We are a church that is built to last.

 ·       Financial Objectives

To be a Leader in promoting the commitment in giving

Tithes & Offering.

·       Building

To promote a spirit of teamwork that encourages commitment to service. Expanding our Church membership to reach others without being bias. We are a church for all people. Developing disciples to become leaders for life.

 ·       Core Strategy

To be a life long member in the spirit of selfless contribution.

·       Disciple

To love God with all your heart. To love your neighbor as yourself. Strives to attain a fellowship that will stay active in church ministry and the community. We are to be committed in serving our church by being helpers. We will attract, and motivate all people with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. We recognize that our core values serves as a gateway for church worship and praise.

·       Core Values


To be attached with a devotional life of commitment.


To promote consistency, without wavering.


Design of, that people might know the power

of the Lord Jesus.


           A divine certainty to see change.






Living Water Baptist Church

Reginald Spight - Pastor
4790 Knight Arnold Road, Memphis, TN 38118-3201




(901) 542-0034