Pastor Reginald Spight






Memorial Day Celebration

Pastor & Wife Appreciation Feed the Need Thanksgiving

As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. — Romans 8:14

Who’s In Control?

By nature we all have a desire to control our world. From infancy we turn to our own independent way, trying to control circumstances, the future, people—and even God if we could. Since we can’t, we end up frustrated, hostile, and critical.



Our need to be in control is rooted in excessive self-love. For example, when people we love are sick, we often want them to get well so we can get some rest and not have to worry about them. “Boil it down to this,” a Bible teacher once said, “we are madly in love with ourselves!”

In Romans 8, the apostle Paul called this self-centeredness “the flesh.” By nature we live as if we owe the flesh our obedience. Paul reminded us in verse 12 that this isn’t so. He then offered an effective alternative: We can be led and controlled by God’s Spirit (v.14). We may be afraid to give up control of our lives to God, but we needn’t be. Human control shackles us; God’s control gives us freedom. Human control insists on immediate results; God’s control allows for a lifelong process of change.

Are you “madly in love” with yourself? Why not turn the controls of your life over to God. Ask Him to change you and help you to love Him and others.

By: Joanie Yoder



Reflect & Pray

You think your word or deed is very small,
That what you say will hardly count at all;
But God can take the seed that you have sown
And nourish it until it's fully grown. —Hess

We plant the seed, but God gives the harvest.

Jesus died in our place to give us His peace.


Dear Lord, You bless me in more ways than I can count. Thank You for Your love for me.

When you think of all that’s good, give thanks to God.





Living Water Church

4790 Knight Arnold

Memphis, TN 38118

Sunday Worship Meeting 10 AM

Wednesday Bible and Prayer Meeting 7 PM

Reginald Spight, Pastor 

"Connecting People To God Is Our Responsibility" 






Living Water Baptist Church

Reginald Spight - Pastor
4790 Knight Arnold Road, Memphis, TN 38118-3201



(901) 542-0034

